As with other services, with active 2FA you need special application token for clients to avoid entering the password plus second factor.
For this, log into (oc.mis.mpg.de) and click on the personal menu in the upper right corner.
Choose Settings and click on Security:
Now scroll down to App passwords / token where you’ll find a list of active token and can create new tokens by entering the name of the token into the App name field and then click on Create new app passcode:
You’ll now see the newly generated Password / Token.
Please remember the passcode before clicking on Done as you can not access it again afterwards.
It is strongly suggested to use dedicated tokens for each client. In case of a compromised token for one client, you can still use all other tokens.
To delete a token, just click on the paper bin icon next to the token name (Disconnect).
Desktop Client
In case you have used the client before with your standard username/password, please log out before proceeding as show below:
Now, log in again (or for the first time) and use the above created application password instead of your standard password: