2FA Apps

Below we describe some available options for handling 2FA tokens.


If you are using an Android device, please use the following QR-Code for the App “otpauth”:


If you are using an Apple device, please use the following QR-Code for the App “freeotp”:


Just install them via your app store and scan the QR codes provided during 2FA setup.


Please make sure that the authenticator app is capable of handling SHA-256!

Please make backups of your stored tokens on a regular basis on the phone (and save them elsewhere) in case of hardware failure of the phone or if you switch to a new device.


First, open the otp app of your choice. If you have not yet set up the app, please follow the setup wizard.

You should now see a button with a plus in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

If you click on the plus, the settings for adding a new token will open.

These are the numeric codes that will be mentioned again later in the instructions for setting up two-factor authentication.


You can also manage 2FA tokens on your desktop via KeePassXC. Just download and install the corresponding version for your operating system.

First, you need to set up a new database within KeePassXC:


Just follow the setup procedure and choose a good master password.

For each 2FA token, you first need to create an empty entry:


In this case, it is named Gitlab.

Afterward, you need to open the context menu on this new entry (right mouse button) and choose TOTP > Set up TOTP…:


There, you enter the secret which you obtained during 2FA initialization (some smartphone apps, e.g. FreeOTP+, also show this secret)


With this, you may either show the current TOTP or copy it into the clipboard as with other passwords in KeePassXC.